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    Breathless Angel - Suspended  Part 3

    Clip Description

    After the last one, dem had to re-secure angel back into place. Now looking and feeling like a super-hero that is being ********, angel gets ready for the next round. All joking aside, angel finds herself in a bag and dem in control of the air. Now we all know how big a fan angel is of the bag, but with dem pushing her over the top angel finds it hard to concentrate on her breathing, which causes her to panic.

    Clip Duration:      9 minutes
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    wmv97.62 MB

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    Breathless Angel - Suspended  Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Suspended  Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Suspended  Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Suspended  Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Suspended  Part 3

    Breathless Angel - Suspended  Part 3
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one specific bagging video in this compilation has never been released in public before now!

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that's where angel comes in. Angel decides to do a swim capping, while she is bound on the floor. Well, to ensure some good struggle, dem decided to just bind the arms, and leave the legs free. And since there was going to be a swim cap, there has to be a swim suit involved, right? Right.

well, the capping not being enough for dem, he decided to add in a little fun with some latex sheeting as well...

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* opisthotonus - 

opisthotonus or opisthotonos, from greek roots, ὄπισθεν, opisthen meaning "behind" and τόνος tonos meaning "tension", is a state of severe hyperextension and spasticityin which an individual's head, neck and spinal column enter into a complete "bridging" or "arching" position.[1][2] opisthotonus is seen with ******** victims - called the "opisthotonic death pose".

* death pose
the cause of this posture—sometimes called a "death pose"—has been a matter of scientific debate. 
faux and padian suggested in 2007 that the live animal was suffering opisthotonus during its death throes, and that the pose is not the result of any post-mortem process at all. They also reject the idea of water as responsible for randomly arranging the bodies in a "death pose", as different parts of the body and the limbs can be in different directions, which they found unlikely to be the result of moving water.[3] they also found that the claim that drying out of ligaments would make the position does not seem believable either.

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